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Benthic Ecology

Due to the fact that this class is set to the graduate level and there is no related book available in Taiwan, the teaching material is composed of many years’ researches combined with the relevant publications and chapters from the books. The content of the teaching materials include physiological ecology, energy cycles of the energy within the sediment, structures of population, community and ecosystem, and several special ecosystem such as the estuary, and environmental pollution.


Conservation of Marine Living Resources

By lecturing the relevant knowledges, this course teach the basic theories and the importance of conservation biology to the nature and whole society.



The aim of this course is to illustrate and explain the way zooplankton "make a living" in nature. The order copepods is the major zooplankton community component. Therefore, copepods biology is emphaisized. The goal will be not only to delineate how copepods adapt to the ocean environment, but also to consider the forces behind those adaptations. An important feature of the topics will be to describe the basic concepts of ecology and behavior of zooplankton.


Phytoplankton and the Marine Environment

A basic introduction of the taxonomy and physiology of marine phytoplankton. These concepts will be applied to the discussion of energy transfer and material cycling in marine ecosystems.


Taxonomy and Nomenclature

Traditional taxonomy, Chemotaxonomy, Immunotaxonomy, Cytotaxonomy, Other characters in taxonomy, Numerical taxonomy, Cladistic, DNA taxonomy.


Advanced Systematics of Fishes

To train the research students for the common and advanced knowledge for systematics of fishes by both morphological & molecular investigation.


Fungal Systematics

To advance students'' knowledge on the current classification of the Kingdom Fungi and train students'' logical and critical thinking abilities.


Research on Invertebrate Immunology

In this course, students receive instruction in basic theories and advanced researches on invertebrate immunology. The main purposes of this course are:

1. Let students know the knowledge of invertebrate immunology.

2. Let students know the application of this study.

3. Let students know the current research on other field and consider how to apply to invertebrate immunological study.

4. Let students know how to search the information and/or tools to solve the problems.


Seminar on Invertebrate Immunology

Our current knowledge about immunology mainly comes from the study in vertebrates, however, since the invertebrates are the most abundant, diverse, and successful animals on earth, we should also learn the immunity in invertebrates. The purpose of this course is to acquaint the students with latest knowledge and development of invertebrate immunology, so that the students will have better understanding toward this novel and increasingly important study field.


Institute Seminar

This course aims to teach students oral presentation skills including timing, content selection, slide preparation and speaking. A journal article related to marine biology is selected and summarised as a powerpoint slide presentation and then orally presented. After each presentation, a question and answer session is provided to train logical and critical thinking skills of students.


Molecular Ecology

Molecular ecology is a young and exciting field that is taking advantage of the rapid advances in molecular genetics. These new techniques permit ecologists and evolutionary biologists to address many fundamental questions, including phylogeography, population genetics, conservation genetics, behavioral ecology, adaptation, hybridization, and speciation. The employment of molecular markers has revolutionized many of these research areas. Through this course, I hope to introduce students with basic principle and techniques in molecular ecological researches, and hence students can appreciate on fascinating stories of natural history, evolution, and diversity that molecular genetics can tell us.


Conservation Genetics

The course aims at helping students to gain a fundamental understanding of conservation genetic principles and uses of molecular genetic data. This includes the understanding of genetic diversity, its significance to the resilience of natural populations and how it is measured. The course will be divided into sections that encompass general areas including behavioral ecology, population ecology, forensics, resource management, and evolutionary ecology, with emphasis on anthropogenic impacts on natural processes. We will focus on understanding the importance to preserve genetic diversity and how this can be achieved. Overall, the aim of this class is to enable you to apply insights gained from modern genetic techniques to improve the effectiveness of traditional approaches to conserve biological diversity.


Design and Analysis of Biological Experiment

We aimed to bring students general concept of experiment design and the basic knowledge of biological statistics. Students will be able to design and carry out a practical biological experiment with limit time and resource and analyze the collected data using correct statistical methods.


Animal Physiological Ecology

Provide students with the brief understanding about animal physiology ecology.


Special Topics on Marine Ecology and Conservation

Provide students with advanced knowledge of conservation biology.


Microbes in Extreme Environments

1. To provide an insight of microorganisms in extreme environments.

2. To enable students to have a better understanding on the strategies (physiological and biochemical) of microorganisms to survive in various extreme environments.


Methods in Virology

In this course, students receive instruction in basic theories and advanced researches on virology. The main purposes of this course are:

1. Let students know the basic knowledge of virology.

2. Let students know the application of virology.

3. Let students know the current research on other field and consider how to apply to virological study.

4. Let students know how to search the information and/or tools to solve the virological problems.


Yeast-2-Hybrid Experiment

Yeast-2-hybrid experiment is an important tool to analyze protein-protein interaction. It is an efficient, high-throughput screening method and helps the research to establish protein-protein interaction map or model. The theory and application of yeast-2-hybrid experiment will be introduced in the course and the student is asked to operate the experiment.


Seminar on Crustacean Immunology and Diseases

The purpose of this course is to acquaint the students with latest knowledge and development of crustacean immunology and diseases, so that the students will have better understanding toward this novel and increasingly important study field.


Recombinant DNA Technology

The first part of this course begins with the basical knowledge and technique of recombinat DNA technology, such as DNA and RNA extraction, cDNA and genomic DNA library construction and screening, PCR principle and application.


Advanced Electron Microscopy (I) Lab

This course aims to teach the students the techniques and related experiments of TEM, and after finishing this class, the students are expected to be able to conduct TEM experiments.


Advanced Electron Microscopy

This course aims to aquaint the students the knowledges and techniques of TEM, and after finishing this class, the students are expected to be able to conduct TEM experiment.


Introduction to Phylogenetics

This course aims at introducing students with basic principle of phylogenetic reconstruction and its application.


Fish Physiology

This course will bring students general concept regarding to the physiology of fish. A final report of a selected issue by student is required for obtaining the credits of this course. In the report, students summarize the relative references of their selected topic, and try to make a brief proposal of what they known. Through practice of the report, students will not only learn the knowledge from the textbook or published papers, but also get familiar with papers reading.


Guided Reading of Ecological Immunology

This course will bring students general concept of a new emerged field, Ecological Immunology. The course will start with lectures following the text book. Then, students need to read the regarding references and make a presentation. Through practice of the report, students will not only learn the knowledge from the textbook or published papers, but also get familiar with how to find out a new research space.




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