Cheung Shun-Yan
姓 名:張順恩 |
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1. Cheung, S.+, Liu, K.+, Turk-Kubo, K., Nishioka, J., Suzuki, K., Landry, M., Zehr, J., Leung, S., Deng, L., and Liu, H. (2022) High biomass turnover rates of endosymbiotic nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria in the western Bering Sea. Limnology and Oceanography Letters, 7(6): 501-509. (impact factor=8.507, rank=2/66)
1. Cheung, S., Zehr, J.P., Xia, X., Tsurumoto, C., Endo, H., Nakaoka, S., Mak, W., Suzuki, K., and Liu, H. (2021) Gamma4: a genetically versatile Gammaproteobacterial nifH phylotype that widely
distributed in the North Pacific Ocean. Environmental Microbiology, 23: 4246-4259. (impact factor=5.476, rank=42/137)
2. Cheung, Y., Cheung, S.*, Mak, J., Liu, K., Xia, X., Yung, Y., Zhang, X., and Liu, H.* (2021) Distinct interaction effects of warming and anthropogenic input on diatoms and dinoflagellates in an
urbanized estuarine ecosystem. Global Change Biology, 27: 3463-3473. (impact factor=13.212, rank= 1/65)
3. Deng, L. , Cheung, S. *, Kang, C., Liu, K., Xia, X., and Liu, H.* (2021) Elevated temperature relieves phosphorus limitation of marine unicellular diazotrophic cyanobacteria. Limnology and
Oceanography, 67: 122-134. (impact factor=5.019, rank=4/66)
1. Cheung, S., Nitanai, R., Tsurumoto, C., Endo, H., Nakaoka, S., Cheah, W., Lorda, J., Xia, X., Liu, H., and Suzuki, K. (2020) Physical forcing controls the basin-scale occurrence of nitrogen-fixing
organisms in the North Pacific Ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 34(9): e2019GB006452. (impact factor=6.500, rank= 16/202)
2. Lu, Y. +, Cheung, S. +, Chen, L., Kao, S. J., Xia, X., Gan, J., Dai, M., and Liu, H. (2020). New insight to niche partitioning and ecological function of ammonia oxidizing archaea in subtropical estuarine ecosystem. Biogeosciences, 17: 6017–6032. (impact factor=5.092, rank= 34/202)
3. Deng, L.+, Cheung, S.+, and Liu, H. (2020) Protistal grazers increase grazing on unicellular cyanobacteria diazotroph at night. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7: 135. (impact factor=5.247,
rank= 6/133)
1. Cheung, S., Suzuki, K., Xia, X., and Liu, H. (2019) Transportation of diazotroph community from the upstream to downstream of the Kuroshio. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences,
124(9): 2680-2693. (impact factor=4.432, rank= 49/202)
2. Cheung, S., Mak, W., Xia, X., Lu, Y., Cheung, Y., and Liu, H. (2019) Overlooked genetic diversity of ammonia oxidizing archaea lineages in the global oceans. Journal of Geophysical Research:
Biogeosciences, 124(7): 1799-1811. (impact factor=4.432, rank= 49/202)
1. Liu, K., Nishioka, J., Chen, B., Suzuki, K., Cheung, S., Lu, Y., Wu, H., and Liu, H. (2023) Role of nutrients and temperature in shaping distinct summer phytoplankton and microzooplankton
population dynamics in the western North Pacific and Bering Sea. Limnology and Oceanography, 68: 649-665. (impact factor=5.019, rank=4/66)
2. Turk-Kubo, K., Gradoville, M., Cheung, S., Cornejo-Castillo, F., Harding, K. J., Morando, M., Mills, M., and Zehr, J. (2022) Non-cyanobacterial diazotrophs: Global diversity, distribution,
ecophysiology, and activity in marine waters. FEMS Microbiology Reviews, (impact factor=15.177, rank=12/137)
3. Acevedo-Trejos, E., Cadier, M., Chakraborty, S., Chen, B., Cheung, S., Grigoratou, M., ... and Prowe, F. (2022) Modelling approaches for capturing plankton diversity (MODIV), their societal
applications and data needs. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9: 975414. (impact factor=5.247, rank= 6/133)
4. Xu, Z., Cheung, S., Endo, H., Xia, X., Wu, W., Chen, B., Ho, N., Suzuki, K., Li, M., and Liu, H. (2022) Assembly processes and controlling factors in phytoplankton communities across the Pacific
Ocean. mSystems, 7(1): e01203-21. (impact factor=7.328, rank=27/137)
5. Zhang, X., Cheung, S., Wang, J., Zhang, G., Wei, Y., Liu, H., Sun, J., and Liu, H. (2022) Highly diverse Synechococcus pigment types in the Eastern Indian Ocean. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13:806390. (impact factor=6.064, rank=34/137)
6. Gu, B., Liu, J., Cheung, S., Ho, N. H. E., Tan, Y., and Xia, X. (2022) Insights into Prokaryotic Community and Its Potential Functions in Nitrogen Metabolism in the Bay of Bengal, a Pronounced
Oxygen Minimum Zone. Microbiology Spectrum, e00892-21. (impact factor=9.043, rank=20/137)
7. Liu, H., Zhou, P., Cheung, S., LU, Y., Jing, H., and Liu, H. (2022) Distribution and oxidation rates of ammonia-oxidizing archaea influenced by the coastal upwelling off eastern Hainan Island.
Microorganisms, 10(5): 952. (impact factor=4.926, rank=54/137)
8. Feng, M., Lin, S., Zhang, W., Wang, C., Liu, H., Cheung, S., Li, H., Stukel, M, Irving, J., and Li, N. (2022) Micro-/Meso-Scale Distinction and Horizontal Migration of Tintinnid (Ciliophora:
Tintinnida) Assemblages in Three Regions Around the North Pacific Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9: 863549. (impact factor=5.247, rank= 6/133)
9. Xia, X., Lee, P., Cheung, S., Lu, Y., Tan, Y., and Liu, H. (2020) Discovery of euryhaline phycoerythrobilin-containing Synechococcus and their mechanisms for adaptation to estuarine
environments. mSystems, 5: e00842-20. (impact factor=7.328, rank=27/137)
10. Zhang, S., Li, C., Cheung, S., Sun, M., Song, S., Guo, W., Guo, C., Wu, G., and Liu, H. (2020) Snapshot of peptidomics of the red tide forming species Noctiluca scintillans. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7:569807. (impact factor=5.247, rank= 6/133)
11. Zhang, S., Xia, X., Ke, Y., Song, S., Shen, Z., Cheung, S., and Liu, H. (2020) Population dynamics and interactions of Noctiluca scintillans and Mesodinium rubrum during their successive blooms in a subtropical coastal water. Science of the Total Environment, 755: 142349. (impact factor=10.754, rank= 26/279)
12. Rocke, E., Cheung, S., Gebe, Z., Dames, N., Liu, H., and Moloney, C. (2020) Marine microbial community composition during the upwelling season in the Southern Benguela. Frontiers in
Marine Science, 7: 255. (impact factor=5.247, rank= 6/133)
13. Xia, X., Leung, S. K., Cheung, S., Zhang, S., and Liu, H. (2020). Rare bacteria in seawater are dominant in the bacterial assemblage associated with the bloom-forming dinoflagellate Noctiluca
scintillans. Science of The Total Environment, 711: 135107. (impact factor=10.754, rank= 26/279)
14. Xia, X., Cheung, S., Endo, H., Suzuki, K., & Liu, H. (2019). Latitudinal and vertical variation of Synechococcus assemblage composition along 170° W transect from the South Pacific to the Arctic Ocean. Microbial Ecology, 77: 333-342. (impact factor=4.192, rank= 12/113)
15. Tan, S., Cheung, S., Ho, T. Y., and Liu, H. (2019). Metatranscriptomics of the bacterial community in response to atmospheric deposition in the Western North Pacific Ocean. Marine Genomics, 45: 57-63. (impact factor=2.143, rank= 138/175)
16. Lu, Y., Xia, X., Cheung, S., Jing, H., and Liu, H. (2019). Differential distribution and determinants of ammonia oxidizing archaea sublineages in the oxygen minimum zone off Costa Rica.
Microorganisms, 7(10): 453. (impact factor=4.926, rank=54/137)
17. Li, Y., Jing, H., Xia, X., Cheung, S., Suzuki, K., and Liu, H. (2018) Metagenomic insights into the microbial community and nutrient cycling in the Western Subarctic Pacific Ocean. Frontiers in
Microbiology, 9: 623. (impact factor=6.064, rank=34/137)