

姓  名:彭家禮
現  職:國立臺灣海洋大學海洋生物研究所教授                            
校內分機:(02) 24622192 ext 5319(辦公室)、5325(實驗室)
傳  真:(02) 2463-3152
學  歷:香港城市大學生物及化學系博士
研 究 室:海洋真菌研究室




1. Pang KL*, Chen IA, Chiang MWL, Shaumi A, Hsieh SY and Guo SY. (2023) Arenicolous marine fungi of sandy beaches of Taiwan. Botanica Marina 66: 131-139. 
2. Guo SY, Jones EBG, Chiang MWL and Pang KL*. (2023) Salinity and temperature affect growth rate of Alphamyces chaetifer and Gorgonomyces haynaldii (Chytridiomycota) isolated from coastal habitats of Taiwan. Botanica Marina 66: 345-352.
3. Pang KL*, Jones EBG*, Abdel-Wahab MA, Adams SJ, Alves A, Azevedo E, Bahkali AH, Barata M, Burgaud G, Caeiro MF, Calabon MS, Devadatha B, Dupont J, Fryar SC, González MC, Jin J, Mehiri M, Meslet-Cladière L, Prado S, Rämä T, Reich M, Roullier C, Sarma VV, Tibell L, Tibell S, Velez P and Walker AK. (2023) Recent progress in marine mycological research in different countries, and prospects for future developments worldwide. Botanica Marina 66: 239-269.
4. Shaumi A, Cheang UC, Guo SY, Jones EBG, Chan TY and Pang KL*. (2023) Diversity of fungi isolated from carapace and gut of the marine crab Portunus sanguinolentus in northern waters of Taiwan. Botanica Marina 66: 301-307.
5. Calabon MS, Jones EBG, Pang KL, Abdel-Wahab MA, Jin J, Devaddatha B, Apurillo CC, Sadaba RB and Hyde KD. (2023) Updates on the classification and numbers of marine fungi. Botanica Marina 66: 213-238.
6. Pang KL* and Jones EBG. (2023) Whither marine mycology: the way forward. Botanica Marina 66: 209-211. 2.2
7. Pang KL*, Guo SY, Shaumi A, Suetrong S, Klaysuban A, Chiang MWL and Jones EBG. (2023) Lanspora dorisauae, a new marine fungus from rocky shores in Taiwan. PeerJ 11:e15958 DOI 10.7717/peerj.15958 2.7
8. Hyde KD, Abdel-Wahab MA, Abdollahzadeh J, Abeywickrama PD, Absalan S, Afshari N, Ainsworth AM, Akulov OY, Aleoshin VV, Al-Sadi AM, Alvarado P, Alves A, Alves-Silva G, Amalfi M, Amira Y, Amuhenage TB, Anderson J, Antonín V, Aouali S, Aptroot A, Apurillo CCS, Araújo JPM, Ariyawansa HA, Armand A, Arumugam E, Asghari R, Assis DMA, Atienza V, Avasthi S, Azevedo E, Bahkali AH, Bakhshi M, Banihashemi Z, Bao DF, Baral HO, Barata M, Barbosa F, Barbosa RN, Barreto RW, Baschien C, Belamesiatseva DB, Bennett Reuel M, Bera I, Bezerra JDP, Bezerra JL, Bhat DJ, Bhunjun CS, Bianchinotti MV, Błaszkowski J, Blondelle A, Boekhout T, Bonito G, Boonmee S, Boonyuen N, Bregant C, Buchanan P, Bundhun D, Burgaud G, Burgess T, Buyck B, Cabarroi-Hernández M, Cáceres MES, Caeiro MF, Cai L, Cai MF, Calabon MS, Calaça FJS, Callalli M, Camara MPS, Cano-Lira JF, Cantillo T, Cao B, Carlavilla JR, Carvalho A, Castañeda-Ruiz RF, Castlebury L, Castro-Jauregui O, Catania MDV, Cavalcanti LH, Cazabonne J, Cedeño-Sanchez ML, Chaharmiri-Dokhaharani S, Chaiwan N, Chakraborty N, Chaverri P, Cheewangkoon R, Chen C, Chen CY, Chen KH, Chen J, Chen Q, Chen WH, Chen YP, Chethana KWT, Coleine C, Condé TO, Corazon-Guivin MA, Cortés-Pérez A, Costa-Rezende DH, Courtecuisse R, Crouch JA, Crous PW, Cui BK, Cui YY, da Silva DKA, da Silva GA, da Silva IR, da Silva RMF, da Silva Santos AC, Dai DQ, Dai YC, Damm U, Darmostuk V, Daroodi Zoha, Das K, Das K, Davoodian N, Davydov EA, Dayarathne MC, Decock C, de Groot MD, De Kesel A, dela Cruz TEE, De Lange R, Delgado G, Denchev CM, Denchev TT, de Oliveira NT, de Silva NI, de Souza FA, Dentinger B, Devadatha B, Dianese JC, Dima B, Diniz AG, Dissanayake AJ, Dissanayake LS, Doğan HH, Doilom M, Dolatabadi S, Dong W, Dong ZY, Dos Santos LA, Drechsler-Santos ER, Du TY, Dubey MK, Dutta AK, Egidi E, Elliott TF, Elshahed MS, Erdoğdu M, Ertz D, Etayo J, Evans HC, Fan XL, Fan YG, Fedosova AG, Fell J, Fernandes I, Firmino AL, Fiuza PO, Flakus A, Fragoso de Souza CA, Frisvad JC, Fryar SC, Gabaldón T, Gajanayake AJ, Galindo LJ, Gannibal PB, García D, García-Sandoval SR, Garrido-Benavent I, Garzoli L, Gautam AK, Ge ZW, Gené DJ, Gentekaki E, Ghobad-Nejhad M, Giachini AJ, Gibertoni TB, Góes-Neto A, Gomdola D, Gomes de Farias AR, Gorjón SP, Goto BT, Granados-Montero MM, Griffith GW, Groenewald JZ, Groenewald M, Grossart HP, Gueidan C, Gunarathne A, Gunaseelan S, Gusmão LFP, Gutierrez AC, GuzmánDávalos L, Haelewaters D, Halling R, Han YF, Hapuarachchi KK, Harder CB, Harrington TC, Hattori T, He MQ, He S, He SH, Healy R, Herández-Restrepo M, Heredia G, Hodge KT, HolgadoRojas M, Hongsanan S, Horak E, Hosoya T, Houbraken J, Huang SK, Huanraluek N, Hur JS, Hurdeal VG, Hustad VP, Iotti M, Iturriaga T, Jafar E, Janik P, Jayalal RGU, Jayasiri SC, Jayawardena RS, Jeewon R, Jerônimo GH, Jesus AL, Jin J, Johnston PR, Jones EBG, Joshi Y, Justo A, Kaishian P, Kakishima M, Kaliyaperumal M, Kang GP, Kang JC, Karimi O, Karpov SA, Karunarathna SC, Kaufmann M, Kemler M, Kezo K, Khyaju S, Kirchmair M, Kirk PM, Kitaura MJ, Klawonn I, Kolarik M, Kong A, Kuhar F, Kukwa M, Kumar S, Kušan I, Lado C, Larsson KH, Latha KPD, Lee HB, Leonardi M, Leontyev DL, Lestari AS, Li CJY, Li DW, Li H, Li HY, Li L, Li QR, Li WL, Li Y, Li YC, Liao CF, Liimatainen K, Lim YW, Lin CG, Linaldeddu BT, Linde CC, Linn MM, Liu F, Liu JK, Liu NG, Liu S, Liu SL, Liu XF, Liu XY, Liu XZ, Liu ZB, Lu L, Lu YZ, Luangharn T, Luangsaard JJ, Lumbsch HT, Lumyong S, Luo L, Luo M, Luo ZL, Ma J, Machado AR, Madagammana AD, Madrid H, Magurno F, Magyar D, Mahadevan N, Maharachchikumbura SSN, Maimaiti Y, Malosso E, Manamgoda DS, Manawasinghe IS, Mapook A, Marasinghe DS, Mardones M, Marin-Felix Y, Márquez R, Masigol H, Matočec N, May T, McKenzie EHC, Meiras-Ottoni A, Melo RFR, Mendes ARL, Mendieta S, Meng QF, Menkis A, Menolli N Jr, Mešić A, Meza Calvo JG, Mikhailov KV, Miller SL, Moncada B, Moncalvo JM, Monteiro JS, Monteiro M, Mora-Montes HM, Moreau PA, Mueller GM, Mukhopadyay S, Murugadoss R, Nagy LG, Najafiniya M, Nanayakkara CM, Nascimento CC, Nei Y, Neves MA, Neuhauser S, Niego AGT, Nilsson RH, Niskanen T, Niveiro N, Noorabadi MT, Noordeloos ME, Norphanphoun C, Nuñez Otaño NB, O’Donnell RP, Oehl F, Olariaga I, Orlando FP, Pang KL, Papp V, Pawłowska J, Peintner U, Pem D, Pereira OL, Perera RH, Perez-Moreno J, Perez-Ortega S, Péter G, Phillips AJL, Phonemany M, Phukhamsakda, Phutthacharoen K, Piepenbring M, Pires-Zottarelli CLA, Poinar G, Pošta A, Prieto M, Promputtha I, Quandt CA, Radek R, Rahnama K, Raj KNA, Rajeshkumar KC, Rämä T, Rambold G, Ramírez-Cruz V, Rasconi S, Rathnayaka AR, Raza M, Ren GC, Robledo GL, Rodriguez-Flakus P, Ronikier A, Rossi W, Ryberg M, Ryvarden LR, Salvador Montoya CA, Samant B, Samarakoon BC, Samarakoon MC, Sánchez-Castro I, Sánchez-García M, Sandoval-Denis M, Santiago ALCMA, Santamaria B, Santos ACS, Sarma VV, Savchenko A, Savchenko K, Saxena RK, Scholler M, Schoutteten N, Seifollahi E, Selbmann L, Selcuk F, Senanayake IC, Shabashova TG, Shen HW, Shen YM, SilvaFilho AGS, Simmons DR, Singh R, Sir EB, Song Chang-Ge, Souza-Motta CM Sruthi OP, Stadler M, Stchigel AM, Stemler J, Stephenson SL, Strassert JFH, Su HL Su L, Suetrong S, Sulistyo B, Sun YF, Sun YR, Svantesson Sten, Sysouphanthong P, Takamatsu S, Tan TH, Tanaka K, Tang AMC, Tang X, Tanney JB, Tavakol NM, Taylor JE, Taylor PWJ, Tedersoo L, Tennakoon DS, Thamodini GK, Thines M, Thiyagaraja V, Thongklang N, Tiago PV, Tian Q, Tian WH, Tibell L, Tibell S, Tibpromma S, Tkalčec Z, Tomšovský M, Toome-Heller M, Torruella G, Tsurykau A, Udayanga D, Ulukapi M, Untereiner WA, Uzunov BA, Valle LG, Van Caenegem W, Van den Wyngaert S, Van Vooren N, Velez P, Verma RK, Vieira LC, Vieira WAS, Vizzini A, Walker A, Walker AK, Wanasinghe DN, Wang CG, Wang K, Wang SX, Wang XY, Wang Y, Wannasawang N, Wartchow F, Wei DP, Wei XL, White JF, Wijayawardene NN, Wijesinghe SN, Wijesundara DSA, Wisitrassameewong K, Worthy FR, Wu F, Wu G, Wu HX, Wu N, Wu WP, Wurzbacher C, Xiao YP, Xiong YR, Xu LJ, Xu R, Xu RF, Xu RJ, Xu TM, Yakovchenko L, Yan JY, Yang H, Yang J, Yang ZL, Yang YH,Yapa N, Yasanthika E, Youssef NH, Yu FM, Yu Q, fD, Yu YX, Yu ZF, Yuan HS, Yuan Y, Yurkov A, Zafari D, Zamora JC, Zare R, Zeng M, Zeng NK, Zeng XY, Zhang F, Zhang H, Zhang JF, Zhang JY, Zhang QY, Zhang SN, Zhang W, Zhang Y, Zhang YX, Zhao CL, Zhao H, Zhao Q, Zhao RL, Zhou LW, Zhou M, Zhurbenko MP, Zin HH, Zucconi L. (2023) Global consortium for the classification of fungi and fungus-like taxa. Mycosphere 14: 1960–2012.


1. Jones EBG and Pang KL*. (2022) Observation of Danish marine fungi: in memoriam of Dr. Jørgen Koch. Botanica Marina 65: 13-21.

2. Jones EBG, Ramakrishna S, Vikineswary S, Das D, Bahkali AH, Guo SY and Pang KL*. (2022) How do fungi survive in the sea and respond to climate change? Journal of Fungi 8(3): 291. https://doi.org/10.3390/jof8030291

3. Chou HY, Chiang MWL, Lin WR, Hsieh SY, Jones EBG, Guo SY and Pang KL*. (2022) Metabolic activity on Biolog FF MicroPlate suggests organic substrate decomposition by Aspergillus terreus NTOU4989 isolated from Kueishan Island Hydrothermal Vent Field, Taiwan. Fungal Ecology 60: 101157. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.funeco.2022.101157

4. Hsi HY, Wang SW, Cheng CH, Pang KL, Leu JY, Chang SH, Lee YT, Kuo YH, Huang CY and Lee TH. (2022) Chemical constituents and anti-angiogenesis principles from a marine algicolous Penicillium sumatraense SC29. Molecules 27: 8940. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules27248940


1. Hassett BT, Picard KT and Pang KL*. (2021) Guest editorial: Marine zoosporic organisms-Labyrinthulomycota and Oomycota. Botanica Marina 64: 445-446.

2. Velmurugan N, Sathishkumar Y, Sonowal S, Pang KL and Lee YS. (2021) Characterization of cellular development and fatty acid accumulation in thraustochytrid Aurantiochytrium strains of Taiwan. Botanica Marina 64: 477-487.

3. Su CJ, Ju WT, Chen YM, Chiang MWL, Hsieh SY, Lin HJ, Jones EBG and Pang KL*. (2021) Palmitic acid and long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids dominate in mycelia of mangrove Halophytophthora and Salispina species in Taiwan. Botanica Marina 64: 503-518.

4. Cha HJ, Chiang MWL, Guo SY, Lin SM and Pang KL*. (2021) Culturable fungal community of Pterocladiella capillacea at Keelung, Taiwan: effects of surface sterilization method and isolation medium. Journal of Fungi 7: 651. https://doi.org/10.3390/jof7080651

5. haumi A, Cheang UC, Yang CY, Chang CW, Guo SY, Yang CH, Chan TY and Pang KL*. (2021) Culturable fungi associated with the marine shallow-water hydrothermal vent crab Xenograpsus testudinatus at Kueishan Island, Taiwan. Botanica Marina DOI: 10.1515/bot-2021-0034

6. Calabon MS, Jones EBG, Hyde KD, Boonmee S, Tibell S, Tibell L, Pang KL and Phookamsak R. (2021) Phylogenetic assessment and taxonomic revision of Halobyssothecium and Lentithecium (Lentitheciaceae, Pleosporales). Mycological Progress https://doi.org/10.1007/s11557-021-01692-x

7. Pang KL*, Hassett BT, Shaumi A, Guo SY, Sakayaroj J, Chiang MWL, Yang CH and Jones EBG. (2021) Pathogenic fungi of marine animals: A taxonomic perspective. Fungal Biology Reviews https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fbr.2021.03.008

8. Khan MAR, Wang BW, Chen YY, Lin TH, Lin HC, Yang YL, Pang KL and Liaw CC. (2021) Natural polyketide 6-pentyl-2H-pyrone-2-one and its synthetic analogues efficiently prevent marine biofouling. Biofouling DOI: 10.1080/08927014.2021.1890043

9. Devadatha B, Jones EBG, Pang KL, Abdel-Wahab MA, Hyde KD, Sakayaroj J, Bahkali AH, Calabon MS, Sarma VV, Suetrong S and Zhang SN. (2021) Occurrence and geographical distribution of mangrove fungi. Fungal Diversity https://doi.org/10.1007/s13225-020-00468-0 


1.Tibell S, Tibell L, Pang KL and Jones EBG. (2020) A conspectus of the filamentous marine fungi of Sweden. Botanica Marina 63: 141-153.

2.Luo Y, Xu W, Luo ZH and Pang KL. (2020) Diversity and temperature adaptability of cultivable fungi in marine sediments from the Chukchi Sea. Botanica Marina 63: 197-207.

3.Su CJ, Hsieh SY, Chiang MWL and Pang KL*. (2020) Salinity, pH and temperature growth ranges of Halophytophthora isolates suggest their physiological adaptations to mangrove environments. Mycology https://doi.org/10.1080/21501203.2020.1714768 (MOST104-2621-B-019-004-)

4.Pang KL*, Luo ZH and Burgaud G. (2020) The 15th International Marine and Freshwater Mycology Symposium (IMFMS). Botanica Marina 63: 119-120. (MOST107-2911-I-019-505)

5.Tibell S, Tibell L, Pang KL, Calabon M and Jones EBG. (2020) Marine fungi of the Baltic Sea. Mycology https://doi.org/10.1080/21501203.2020.1729886

6.Pang KL*, Chiang MWL, Guo SY, Shih CY, Dahms HU, Hwang JS and Cha HJ. (2020) Growth study under combined effects of temperature, pH and salinity and transcriptome analysis revealed adaptations of Aspergillus terreus NTOU4989 to the extreme conditions at Kueishan Island Hydrothermal Vent Field, Taiwan. PLoS ONE 15(5): e0233621. (MOST105-2621-M-019-002-, MOST106-2621-M-019-002-, MOST107-2621-M-019-003-)

7.Chen JJ, Wang SW, Chiang YR, Pang KL, Kuo YH, Shih TY and Lee TH. (2020) Highly oxygenated constituents from a marine alga-derived fungus Aspergillus giganteus NTU967. Marine Drugs 18: 303. doi:10.3390/md18060303


1.Overy DP, Rämä T, Oosterhuis R, Walker A and Pang KL (2019) The neglected marine fungi sensu stricto and their isolation for natural products discovery. Marine Drugs 17(1), 42; https://doi.org/10.3390/md17010042

2.Calado MDL, Carvalho L, Barata M and Pang KL (2019) Potential roles of marine fungi in the decomposition process of standing stems and leaves of Spartina maritima. Mycologia 111: 371-383.

3.Xu W, Gao YH, Gong LF, Li M, Pang KL and Luo ZH (2019) Fungal diversity in the deep-sea hadal sediments of the Yap Trench by cultivation and high throughput sequencing methods based on its rRNA gene. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 145: 125-136.

4.Chi WC, Pang KL, Chen WL, Wang GJ and Lee TH (2019) Antimicrobial and iNOS inhibitory activities of the endophytic fungi isolated from the mangrove plant Acanthus ilicifolius var. xiamenensis. Botanical Studies 60:4 https://doi.org/10.1186/s40529-019-0252-3

5.Jones EBG, Pang KL, Abdel-Wahab MA, Scholz B, Hyde KD, Boekhout T, Ebel R, Rateb Mostafa, Henderson L, Sakayaroj J, Suetrong S, Dayarathne M, Kumar V, Raghukumar S, Sridhar KR, Bahkali A, Gleason FH and Norphanphoun C (2019) An online resource for marine fungi. Fungal Diversity 96: 347-433.

6.Liao JL, Pang KL, Pai TW, Hsu PH, Lin JS, Sun KH and Tang SJ (2019) Chimeric 6-methylsalicylic acid synthase with domains of acyl carrier protein and methyltransferase from Pseudallescheria boydii shows novel biosynthetic activity. Microbial Biotechnology 12: 920-931.

7.Chi WC, Chen WL, He CC, Guo SY, Cha HJ, Tsang LM, Ho TW and Pang KL* (2019) A highly diverse fungal community associated with leaves of the mangrove plant Acanthus ilicifolius var. xiamenensis revealed by isolation and metabarcoding analyses. PeerJ 7:e7293 http://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.7293

8.Su J, Guo K, Zhang J, Huang M, Sun L, Li D, Pang KL, Wang G, Chen L, Liu Z, Chen Y, Chen Q and Huang L (2019) Fucoxanthin, a marine xanthophyll isolated from Conticribra weissflogii ND-8: preventive anti-inflammatory effect in a mouse model of sepsis. Frontiers in Pharmacology 10:906. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2019.00906

9.Pang KL*, Guo SY, Chen IA, Burgaud G, Luo ZH, Dahms HU, Huang JS, Lin YL, Hwang JS, Ho TW, Tsang LM, Chiang MWL and Cha HJ. (2019) Insights into fungal diversity of a shallow-water hydrothermal vent field at Kueishan Island, Taiwan by culture-based and metabarcoding analyses. PLoS ONE 14(12): e0226616. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0226616 (MOST105-2621-M-019-002-, MOST106-2621-M-019-002-)


1. W Xu, LF Gong, KL Pang, ZH Luo (2018) Fungal diversity in deep-sea sediments of a hydrothermal vent system in the Southwest Indian Ridge. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 131: 16-26.

2. W Xu, S Guo, L Gong, SA Alias, KL Pang, ZH Luo (2018) Phylogenetic survey and antimicrobial activity of cultivable fungi associated with five scleractinian coral species in the South China Sea. Botanica Marina 61: 75-84.

3. W Xu, S Guo, LF Gong, G He, KL Pang, ZH Luo (2018) Cultivable fungal diversity in deep-sea sediment of the east Pacific Ocean. Geomicrobiology Journal 35(9) (DOI: 10.1080/01490451.2018.1473531).


1. Xu W, Guo SS, Pang KL and Luo ZH (2017) Fungi associated with chimney and sulfide samples from a South Mid-Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal site: Distribution, diversity and abundance. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 123: 48-55.

2. Hsiao G, Chi WC, Pang KL, Chen JJ, Kuo YH, Wang YK, Cha HJ, Chou SC and Lee TH (2017) Hirsutane-type sesquiterpenes with inhibitory activity of microglial nitric oxide production from the red alga-derived fungus Chondrostereum sp. NTOU4196. Journal of Natural Products 80:1615-1622.

3. Abdel-Wahab MA, Dayarathne M, Suetrong S, Guo SY, Alias SA, Bahkali AH, Nagahama T, Egorban AM, Abdel-Aziz FA, Hodhod MS, Al-Hebshi MO, Hyde KD, Nor NAMB, Pang KL* and Jones EBG (2017) New saprobic marine fungi and a new combination. Botanica Marina 60: 469-488.

4. Jones EBG, Ju WT, Lu CL, Guo SY and Pang KL* (2017) The Halosphaeriaceae revisited. Botanica Marina 60: 453-468.

5. Pang KL* and Jones EBG (2017) Recent advances in marine mycology. Botanica Marina 60: 361-362.

6. Overy DP, Correa H, Grote M, Prigoda-Lee N, Roullier C, Chi WC, Pang KL, Rateb ME, Ebel R, Shang Z, Capon RJ, Bills GF and Kerr RG (2017) Does osmotic stress affect natural product expression in fungi? Marine Drugs 15, 254; doi:10.3390/md15080254

7. Wijayawardene NN, Hyde KD, Rajeshkumar KC, Hawksworth DL, Madrid H, Kirk PM, Braun U, Singh RV, Crous PW, Kukwa M, Lücking R, Kurtzman CP, Yurkov A, Haelewaters D, Aptroot A, Lumbsch HT, Timdal E, Ertz D, Etayo J, Philips AJL, Groenewald JZ, Papizadeh M, Selbmann L, Dayarathne MC, Weerakoon G, Jones EBG, Suetrong S, Tian Q, Castañeda-Ruiz RF, Bahkali AH, Pang KL, Tanaka K, Dai DQ, Sakayaroj J, Hujslová M, Lombard L, Shenoy BD, Suija A, Maharachchikumbura SSN, Thambugala KM, Wanasinghe DN, Sharma BO, Gaikwad S, Pandit G, Zucconi L, Onofri S, Egidi E, Raja HA, Kodsueb R, Cáceres MES, Pérez-Ortega S, Fiuza PO, Monteiro JS, Vasilyeva LN, Shivas RG, Prieto M, Wedin M, Olariaga I, Lateef AA, Agrawal Y, Fazeli SAS, Amoozegar MA, Zhao GZ, Pfliegler WP, Sharma G, Oset M, Abdel-Wahab MA, Takamatsu S, Bensch K, de Silva NI, De Kesel A, Karunarathna A, Boonmee S, Pfister DH, Lu YZ, Luo ZL, Boonyuen N, Daranagama DA, Senanayake IC, Jayasiri SC, Samarakoon MC, Zeng XY, Doilom M, Quijada L, Rampadarath S, Heredia G, Dissanayake AJ, Jayawardana RS, Perera RH, Tang LZ, Phukhamsakda C, Hernández-Restrpo M, Ma X, Tibpromma S, Gusmao LFP, Weerahewa D and Karunarathna SC (2017) Notes for genera: Ascomycota. Fungal Diversity 86: 1-594.


1. Waterman C, Calcul L, Beau J, Ma WS, Lebar MD, von Salm JL, Harter C, Mutka T, Morton LC, Maignan P, Barisic B, van Olphen A, Kyle DE,Vrijmoed L, Pang KL, Pearce CJ and Baker BJ (2016) Miniaturized cultivation of microbiota for antimalarial drug discovery. Medicinal Research Reviews 36: 144-168.

2. Réblová M, Miller AN, Rossman AY, Seifert KA, Crous PW, Hawksworth DL, Abdel-Wahab MA, Cannon PF, Daranagama DA, De Beer ZW,Huang SK, Hyde KD, Jayawardena R, Jaklitsch W, Jones EBG, Ju YM, Judith C, Maharachchikumbura SSN, Pang KL, Petrini LE, Raja HA,Romero AI, Shearer C, Senanayake IC, Voglmayr H, Weir BS and Wijayawarden NN (2016) Recommendations for competing sexual-asexually typified generic names in Sordariomycetes (except Diaporthales, Hypocreales, and Magnaporthales). IMA Fungus 7: 131-153.

3. Xu W, Luo ZH, Guo SS and Pang KL (2016) Fungal community analysis in the deep-sea sediments of the Pacific Ocean assessed by comparison of ITS, 18S and 28S ribosomal DNA regions. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2016.01.001

4. Maharachchikumbura SSN, Hyde KD, Jones EBG, McKenzie EHC, Bhat JD, Dayarathne MC, Huang SK, Norphanphoun C, Senanayake IC,Perera RH, Shang QJ, Xiao Y, D’souza MJ, Hongsanan S, Jayawardena RS, Daranagama DA, Konta S, Goonasekara ID, Zhuang WY, Jeewon R,Philllips AJL, Abdel-Wahab MA, Al-Sadi AM, Bahkali AH, Boonmee S, Boonyuen N, Cheewangkoon R, Dissanayake AJ, Kang JC, Li QR, Liu JK, Liu XZ, Liu ZY, Luangsa-ard JJ, Pang KL, Phooksamsak R, Promputtha I, Suetrong S, Stadler M, Wen TC and Wijayawardene NN Families of Sordariomycetes. Fungal Diversity DOI 10.1007/s13225-016-0369-6

5. Ou MC, Yeong HY, Pang KL and Phang SM (2016) Fatty acid profiles of Malaysian mangrove thraustochytrids: implications in biodiesel production. Botanica Marina DOI 10.1515/bot-2016-0031

6. Pang KL*, Overy DP, Jones EBG, Calado MDL, Burgaud G, Walker AK, Johnson JA, Kerr RG, Cha HJ, Bills GF (2016) ‘Marine fungi’ and ‘marine-derived fungi’ in natural product chemistry research: toward a new consensual definition. Fungal Biology Reviews http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fbr.2016.08.001

7. Pang KL*, Chen IA, Ju WT and Guo SY (2016) A checklist of marine fungi of Hong Kong. Fungal Science 31: 7-17.

8. Lee MS, Wang SW, Wang GJ, Pang KL, Lee CK, Kuo YH, Cha HJ, Lin RK, Lee TH (2016) Angiogenesis inhibitors and anti-inflammatory agents from Phoma sp. NTOU4195. Journal of Natural Products DOI: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.6b00407

研討會論文(Conference papers)


1.Pang, K. L. (2019). Fungi of the hydrothermal vent ecosystem at Turtle Island and their physiological adaptations. Asian Symposium of Microbial Ecology, 11-13 May 2019, Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan.


1.Guo, S. Y. and Pang, K. L. (2018). Diversity of fungi at the hydrothermal vent ecosystem at Gueishan Island, Taiwan. In: Abstracts, 15th International Marine and Freshwater Mycology Symposium, 26-28 September 2018, Third Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, China. P35

2.Tibell, S., Tibell, L., Pang, K. L. and Jones, E. B. G. (2018). Marine filamentous fungi from Sweden. In: Abstracts, 15th International Marine and Freshwater Mycology Symposium, 26-28 September 2018, Third Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, China. P42

3.Su, C. J., Ju, W. T., Lin, H. J. and Pang, K. L. (2018). Combined effects of pH, salinity and temperature on growth of mangrove Halophytophthora. In: Abstracts, 15th International Marine and Freshwater Mycology Symposium, 26-28 September 2018, Third Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, China. P44

4.He, C. C., Cha, H. J. and Pang, K. L. (2018). Diversity of fungiassociated with the red alga Pterocladiella capillacea through isolation and metagenomics. In: Abstracts, 15th International Marine and Freshwater Mycology Symposium, 26-28 September 2018, Third Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, China. P45

5.Shaumi, A. and Pang, K. L. (2018). Aquatic fungi along the River Shuang, Yilan, Taiwan. In: Abstracts, 15th International Marine and Freshwater Mycology Symposium, 26-28 September 2018, Third Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, China. P46 7. Chi, W. C., Chen, W. L., Lee, T. H. and Pang, K. L. (2018). Isolation and identification of an antifungal compound from endophytic fungus Alternaria brassicicola associated with Acanthus ilicifolius at Kinmen. In: Abstracts, 15th International Marine and Freshwater Mycology Symposium, 26-28 September 2018, Third Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, China. P47


1.Guo, S. Y., Chen, I. A., Hsieh, S. Y. and Pang, K. L. (2017). Diversity of marine fungi on sandy beaches of Taiwan. In: Abstracts, Center of Excellence in Fungal Research International Conference 2017, 11-13 January 2017, Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, Thailand.

2.Ju, W. T., Lin, H. J., Chen, Y. M., Hsieh, S. Y. and Pang, K. L.(2017). Diversity and fatty acid profile analysis of the genus Halophytophthora in Taiwan mangroves. In: Abstracts, Center of Excellence in Fungal Research International Conference 2017, 11-13 January 2017, Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, Thailand


1.Cha, H. J. and Pang, K. L. (2015). Fungal community associated with Pterocladiella capillacea in northern Taiwan. In: Abstracts, 1st International conference of Marine Fungal Natural Products Consortium, 22-24 July 2015, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Nantes, France. P15

2.Chi, W. C., Pang, K. L. and Lee, T. H. (2015). Chemical constituents of the fermented broth of the endophytic fungus Alternaria brassicola NTOU4368 associated with Acanthus ilicifolius. In: Abstracts, 1st International conference of Marine Fungal Natural Products Consortium, 22-24 July 2015, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Nantes, France. P47

3.Lee, M. S., Hsiao, C. J., Pang, K. L., Cha, H. J. and Lee, T. H. (2015). Chemical constituents from the fermented broths of Phoma sp. NTOU4195. In: Abstracts, 1st International conference of Marine Fungal Natural Products Consortium, 22-24 July 2015, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Nantes, France. P52

4.Chang, W. H., Cha, H. J., Pang, K. L. and Lee, T. H. (2015). Chemical investigation of the fermented broths of Hypocrea lixii NTOU4253. In: Abstracts, 1st International conference of Marine Fungal Natural Products Consortium, 22-24 July 2015, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Nantes, France. P54

專書(Books & Chapters)

1. Pang KL, Jheng JS and Jones EBG (2011) Marine Mangrove Fungi of Taiwan. National Taiwan Ocean University Press, Keelung. p131. (NSC98-2321-B-019 -004)

2. Jones EBG and Pang KL (eds.) (2012) Marine Fungi and Fungal-Like Organisms. De Gruyter, Berlin. p532.

3. Jones EBG, Hyde KD and Pang KL (eds.) (2014) Freshwater Fungi and Fungus-Like Organisms. De Gruyter, Berlin. p496.

4. Pang KL (2002) Systematics of the Halosphaeriales: which morphological characters are important? In: Fungi in Marine Environments (Hyde KD, ed). Fungal Diversity Research Series 9, Fungal Diversity Press, Hong Kong. pp. 35-57

5. Pang KL, Eaton RA and Mitchell JI (2005) Molecular detection of bacteria in the seventeenth century Swedish warship Vasa. In: Proceedings of the 9th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, Copenhagen 2004 (Hoffmann P, Spriggs JA, Strætkvern K, Gregory D, eds). ICOM, Committee for Conservation Working Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials, Bremerhaven. pp. 243-260

6. Hotchkiss S, Landy E, Pang KL and Mitchell JI (2008) Bacteria in archaeological and waterlogged wood: molecular protocols for diversity and community studies. In: Heritage Microbiology and Science- Microbes, Monuments and Maritime Materials (May E, Jones M, Mitchell JI, eds). RSC Publishing, Cambridge. pp. 108-127

7. Mitchell JI, Pang KL, Jones M and Smith A (2008) Molecular bacterial diversity in the timbers of the Tudor warship, the Mary Rose. In: Heritage Microbiology and Science- Microbes, Monuments and Maritime Materials (May E, Jones M, Mitchell JI, eds). RSC Publishing, Cambridge. pp. 204-218

8. Pang KL, Chiang WL and Jheng JS (2012) Morphological Evaluation of peridial wall, ascus and ascospore characteristics in the delineation of genera with unfurling ascospore appendages (Halosphaeriaceae). In: Biology of Marine Fungi (Raghukumar C, ed). Springer-Verlag, Berlin. pp. 159-171

9. Luo ZH, Pang KL, Wu YR, Gu JD, Chow RKK and Vrijmoed LLP (2012) Degradation of phthalate esters by Fusarium sp. DMT-5-3 and Trichosporon sp. DMI-5-1 isolated from mangrove sediments. In: Biology of Marine Fungi (Raghukumar C, ed). Springer-Verlag, Berlin. pp. 299-328

10. Jones EBG and Pang KL (2012) Introduction marine fungi. In: Marine Fungi and Fungal-like Organisms (Jones EBG, Pang KL, eds). De Gruyter, Berlin. pp. 1-13

11. Jones EBG, Hyde KD, Pang KL and Suetrong S (2012) Phylogeny of the Dothideomycetes and other classes of marine Ascomycota. In: Marine Fungi and Fungal-like Organisms (Jones EBG, Pang KL, eds). De Gruyter, Berlin. pp. 17-34

12. Pang KL (2012) Phylogeny of the marine Sordariomycetes. In: Marine Fungi and Fungal-like Organisms (Jones EBG, Pang KL, eds). De Gruyter, Berlin. pp. 35-47 (NSC98-2621-B-019-002-MY3)

13. Sridhar KR, Alias SA and Pang KL (2012) Mangrove fungi. In: Marine Fungi and Fungal-like Organisms (Jones EBG, Pang KL, eds). De Gruyter, Berlin. pp. 253-271 (NSC98-2321-B-019 -004)

14. Jones EBG, Pang KL and Stanley SJ (2012) Fungi from marine algae. In: Marine Fungi and Fungal-like Organisms (Jones EBG, Pang KL, eds). De Gruyter, Berlin. pp. 329-344

15. Pang KL and Jones EBG (2012) Epilogue: importance and impact of marine mycology and fungal-like organisms: challenges for the future. In: Marine Fungi and Fungal-like Organisms (Jones EBG, Pang KL, eds). De Gruyter, Berlin. pp. 509-517

16. Jones EBG, Hyde KD and Pang KL (2014) Introduction. In: Freshwater Fungi and Fungal-like Organisms (Jones EBG, Hyde KD, Pang KL, eds). De Gruyter, Berlin. pp. 1-22

17. Shearer CA, Pang KL, Suetrong S and Raja RA (2014) Phylogeny of the Dothideomycetes and other classes of freshwater fissitunicate Ascomycota. In: Freshwater Fungi and Fungal-like Organisms (Jones EBG, Hyde KD, Pang KL, eds). De Gruyter, Berlin. pp. 25-45

18. Pang KL, Hyde KD and Jones EBG (2014) Epilogue. In: Freshwater Fungi and Fungal-like Organisms (Jones EBG, Hyde KD, Pang KL, eds). De Gruyter, Berlin. pp. 481-488

19. Luo ZH and Pang KL (2014) Fungi on substrates in marine environment. In: Progress in Mycological Research Vol. III. Fungi in/on Various Substrates (Misra JK, Tewari JP, Deshmukh SK, Vágvölgyi C, eds). CRC Press, Baca Raton. pp. 97-114

20. Pang KL, Tsui CKM, Jones EBG and Vrijmoed LLP (2015) Bioprospecting fungi and the Labyrinthulomycetes at the ocean-land interface. In: Marine Pharmacognosy–from Beach to Bedside (Baker BJ, ed). CRC Press, Boca Raton. pp. 379-391

21. Pang KL and Jones EBG (2016) Phylogenetic diversity of fungi in the sea including the Opisthosporidia. In: Biology of Microfungi (Li DW, ed). Springer, New York. pp. 267-283

22. Rédou V, Vallet M, Kumar A, Meslet-Cladière L, Pang KL, Pouchus YF, Georges B, Grovel O, Bertrand S, Prado S, Roullier C and Burgaud G (2016) Marine fungi. In: The Marine Microbiome – an Untold Resource of Biodiversity and Biotechnological Potential (Stal LJ and Cretoiu MS, eds). Springer, Switzerland. pp. 99-153 

23. Chan AKY, Tsui CKM, Pang KL, Kwan KY, Kong RYC, Cheung SG and Shin PKS (2022) Population genetic structure of juvenile tri-spine horseshoe crabs in Hong Kong. In: International Horseshoe Crab Conservation and Research Efforts: 2007- 2020 (Tanacredi JT, Botton ML, Shin PKS, Iwasaki Y, Cheung SG, Kwan KY and Mattei JH, eds). Springer, Cham. pp. 69-83


1. Method for arachidonic acid production from Salispina spinosa (Halophytophthora spinosa) (Patent no.: US 10,119,153 B2)

2. 海生疫病菌及以其生產二十碳五烯酸及/或二十碳四烯酸的方法 (No. I537380)

3. 海生疫病菌及以其生產二十碳四烯酸的方法 (No. I596209)

