姓 名:張 正 現 職:國立臺灣海洋大學海洋生物研究所教授 國立臺灣海洋大學環態所合聘教授 校內分機:(02)24622192 ext 5308(辦公室)、5310(實驗室) 傳 真:(02)2463-3152 電子信箱:jengchang@mail.ntou.edu.tw 學 歷:美國紐約州立大學石溪分校海洋研究中心博士 研究專長:浮游植物生態、矽藻營養鹽限制、分子生態 任教課程:浮游植物與海洋環境、生態學、族群與群聚學、生物統計學、藻類學 研 究 室:浮游植物研究室 近五年研究計畫:、學術性著作:
1. S.-H. Hung, Y.-H. Lu, C.-C. Chung, C.-Y. Shih, G.-C. Gong, J. Chang* (2021). Sequence comparison and expression analysis of an inferred Na+/Pi cotransporter gene in the marine diatom Skeletonema tropicum. Botanica Marina, 64: 71-80.
2. C.-Y. Shih, W.-C. Liu, T.-H. Kuo, Y.-F. Chan, Y.-C. Lin, G.-C. Gong, L.-K. Kang, and J. Chang*. Temporal variations in the expression of a diatom nitrate transporter gene in coastal waters off northern Taiwan: the roles of nitrate and bacteria. (in review).
1. YC Lin, LK Kang, CY Shih, GC Gong, J Chang* (2018) Evaluation of the relationship between the 18S rRNA/rDNA ratio and population growth in the marine diatom Skeletonema tropicum via the application of an exogenous nucleic acid standard. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 65: 792-803.
1. HY Lin, SC Yen, PC Kuo, CY Chung, KL Yeh, CH Huang, J Chang, HJ Lin (2017) Alkaline phosphatase promoter as an efficient driving element for exogenic recombinant in the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Algal Research 23: 59-65.
1. L.-H. Peng, B. Unnikrishnan, C.-Y. Shih, T.-M. Hsiung, J. Chang, P.-H. Hsu, T.-C. Chiu, and C.-C. Huang.2016. Identification of microalgae by laser desorption/ ionization mass spectrometry coupled with multiple nanomatrices. Mol. Ecol.18:283-292.