

姓  名:林綉美
現  職:國立臺灣海洋大學海洋生物研究所教授      
校內分機:(02) 24622192 ext 5324 (辦公室)、5321(實驗室)
傳  真:(02) 2463-3152
學  歷:美國路易斯安納大學生物學系博士
研 究 室:海藻系統分類及演化實驗室




1. Liu, Li-Chia & Showe-Mei Lin*. 2023. Systematic revision of the non-geniculate coralline genus Phymatolithon (Hapalidiales, Rhodophyta) from Taiwan, including three new species. Phycologia (provisional accepted). (SCI)


1. Tan, Yen-Zhan, Liu, Li-Chia & Showe-Mei Lin*. 2023. Reproductive phenology of a dominant crustose coralline alga, Sporolithon sp., from Taoyuan algal reefs in Northwest Taiwan. Phycologia (provisional accepted). (SCI)

2. Rodríguez-Prieto, C., Huisman, J.M. & Showe-Mei Lin*. 2022. Molecular phylogeny of foliose Halymenia and Austroepiphloea (Halymeniaceae, Rhodophyta) from the Indo-Pacific including H. taiwanensis sp. nov. Phycologia 61 (4): 384-395. (2022 July) (SCI)

3. Rodríguez-Prieto, C., Ya-Chu Chuang & Showe-Mei Lin*. 2022. Systematic revision of the red algal genus Yonagunia (Halymeniaceae, Rhodophyta) from Taiwan, including the description of two new species. European Journal of Phycology 57(4): 479-492. (October, 2022) (SCI)

4. Rodríguez-Prieto, C., O. De Clerck, M. Guiry & Showe-Mei Lin*. 2022. Revisiting the systematics of the genera Grateloupia, Phyllymenia, and Prionitis (Halymeniaceae, Rhodophyta) with a description of a new species - Prionitis taiwani‐borealis. Journal of Phycology 58 (2): 234-250, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/jpy.13226. (April, 2022) (SCI)

5. Lee, Z.-H., M.-F. Lee, J.-H. Chen, M.-H. Tsou, Z.-Y. Wu, C.-Z. Lee, Yu-Ya Huang, S.-M. Lin & Hsiu-Mei Lin. 2022. Fucoidan with three functions extracted from Sargassum aquifolium integrated rice-husk synthesis dual-imaging mesoporous silica nanoparticle. Journal of Nanobiotechnology 20, article no. 298. (SCI)


1. Kang, Jeong Chan, Lin Showe-Mei, Miller Kathy Ann, Kim Myung Sook. 2021. Taxonomic revision of hook-forming Acrosorium (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta) from the Northwestern Pacific based on morphology and molecular data. Plants 10(11): 2269, https://doi.org/10.3390/plants10112269. (SCI)

2. Cha, Hyo-Jung, Chiang, M. WL, Guo S.-Y., Lin, Showe-Mei & Pang, Ka-Lai. 2021. Culturable fungal community of Pterocladiella capillacea in Keelung, Taiwan: effects of surface sterilization method and isolation medium. Journal of Fungi 7(8): 651, https://doi.org/10.3390/jof7080651. (SCI)


1.    Lin, Showe-Mei*, Olivier De Clerck, Frederik Leliaert & Ya-Chu Chuang. 2020. Systematics and biogeography of the red algal genus Yonagunia (Halymeniaceae, Rhodophyta) from the Indo-Pacific including the description of two new species from Taiwan. Journal of Phycology online first https://doi.org/10.1111/jpy.13055.

2.    Rodríguez-Prieto, C., Olivier De Clerck, John M. Huisman & Showe-Mei Lin*. 2020. Systematic revision of the foliose Halymeniaceae (Halymeniales, Rhodophyta) from Europe, with the description of Halymenia ballesterosii sp. nov. from the Mediterranean Sea and Nesoia hommersandii from the Canary Islands. European Journal of Phycology online first https://doi.org/10.1080/09670262.2020.1749888.

3.    Dumilag, Richard, Showe-Mei Lin, Giuseppe C Zuccarello, Gerald T Kraft. 2020. The identity of Eucheuma perplexum (Solieriaceae, Gigartinales) and its distinction fromEucheuma serraas exemplified by a proposed new epitype. Phycologia online first https://doi.org/10.1080/00318884.2020.1797375.

4.   Sherwood, Alison R.; Showe-Mei Lin, Rachael M. Wade, Heather L. Spalding, Celia M. Smith & Randall K. Kosaki. 2020. Characterization of Martensia (Delesseriaceae; Rhodophyta) from shallow and mesophotic habitats in the Hawaiian Islands: description of four new species. European Journal of Phycology. 55: 172-185.


1.    Rodríguez-Prieto, Conxi, Olivier De Clerck, John M. Huisman, and Showe-Mei Lin*. 2019 Characterization of Nesoia latifolia (Halymeniaceae, Rhodophyta) from Europe with emphasis on cystocarp development and description of Nesoia mediterranea sp. nov. Phycologia 58: 393-404.

2.    Ng, Poh-Kheng, Yu-Shan Chiou, Li-Chia Liu, Zhong-Min Sun, Hiromori Shimabukuro, Showe-Mei Lin*. 2019. Phylogeography and genetic connectivity of the marine macro-alga Sargassum ilicifolium (Phaeophyceae, Ochrophyta) in the northwestern Pacific. Journal of Phycology 55: 7-24


1.     Liu, Li-Chia, Showe-Mei Lin*, Annalisa Caragnano, Claude Payri. 2018. Species diversity and molecular phylogeny of crustose coralline algae (Corallinophycidae, Rhodophyta) from Taoyuan Algal Reefs in the northern Taiwan with description of Crustaphytum gen. nov. and three new species. Journal of Applied Phycology 30(6): 3455-3469. (SCI) .

2.     Rodríguez-Prieto C., Olivier De Clerck, John M. Huisman & Showe-Mei Lin*. 2018. Systematics of the red algal genus Halymenia (Halymeniaceae, Rhodophyta). 1. Characterization of the generitype H. floresii and description of Neofolia rosea gen. & sp. nov. European Journal of Phycology 4: 520-536. (SCI).

3.     Lin, Showe-Mei*, L.-C. Tseng, A. Put Jr., J. Bolton L.-C. Liu. 2018. Long-term spatial and temporal variabilities in marine macroalgal biota along the coast of Northern Taiwan, southern East China Sea. Marine Biology 165 (5):83. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00227-018-3344-9 (SCI) .

4.     Lin, Showe-Mei*, L.-c. Liu, M.D. Guiry, P. Ang Jr, H.-J. Hsueh. 2018. A reassessment of Gelidium divaricatum G.Martens (Gelidiaceae, Rhodophyta) from Hong Kong, including Gelidiophycus hongkongensis sp. nov. Phytotaxa 348(1): 49-55. (SCI) .

5.      Leliaert, Frederik*, Dioli Ann Payo, Fred Gurgel, Tom Schils, Stefano G. A. Draisma, Gary W. Saunders, Mitsunobu Kamiya, Alison R. Sherwood, Showe-Mei Lin… 2018. Patterns and drivers of species diversity in the Indo-Pacific red seaweed Portieria. Journal of Biogeography 45(10): 2299-2313.

6.     Tan, P.-L., Lim P.-E.*, Showe-Mei Lin, Phang S.-M., Draisma S.G.A, and Liao L.M. 2018. A genetic diversity assessment of Halymenia malaysiana (Halymeniaceae, Rhodophyta) from Malaysia and the Philippines based on COI-5P and rbcL sequences. Journal of Applied Phycology 30(6): 3445-3454. (SCI) .

7.     D’Archino R.*, Showe-Mei Lin & Zuccarello G.C. 2018. Fulgeophyllis (Kallymeniaceae, Gigartinales), a new genus to accommodate two New Zealand species. Phycologia 57 (4): 422-431. (SCI).

8.    Tan, P.-L., P.-E. Lim, Showe-Mei Lin, S.-M. Phang. 2018. Halymenia johorensis sp. nov. (Halymeniaceae, Rhodophyta), a new foliose red algal species from Malaysia. Journal of Applied Phycology 30: 187–195. (SCI) .


1.      C Rodríguez-Prieto, O De Clerck, T Kitayama , SM Lin* (2017) Systematic revision of the widespread species Sarcodia ceylanica (Sarcodiaceae, Rhodophyta) in the Indo-Pacific Oceans, including S. suiae sp. nov. Phycologia 56(1): 63-76.

2.     PK Ng, SM Lin*, PE Lim*, LC Liu, CM Chen, TW Pai (2017) Complete chloroplast genome of Gracilaria firma (Gracilariaceae, Rhodophyta): an update on the use of chloroplast phylogenomics to resolve the Florideophyceae. BMC Genomics 18(1): 40.

3.     SM Lin*, R Huang, H Ogawa, LC Liu, YC Wang, , Y Chiou (2017) Assessment of germling ability of the introduced marine brown alga, Sargassum horneri, in northern Taiwan. Journal of Applied Phycology 29(5): 2641-2649.

4.    PL Tan, PE Lim, SM Lin, SM Phang (2017) Halymenia johorensis sp. nov. (Halymeniaceae, Rhodophyta), a new foliose red algal species from Malaysia. Journal of Applied Phycology 30(1): 187-195 .

5.     M Suzuki, SM Lin* (2017) Systematic revision of the genus Reinboldiella (Ceramiaceae, Rhodophyta) from Taiwan based on comparative morphology and rbcL sequence analyses, including two new species of Reinboldiella. European Journal of Phycology 52(3): 292-302.

6.      PK Ng, SM Lin*, PE Lim*, AQ Hurtado, SM Phang, YY Yow (2017) Molecular-assisted taxonomy and genetic diversity of Gracilaria firma, an agarophyte widely cultivated in Taiwan and Southeast Asia. Plos ONE 12(7): e0182176.


1.      D’Archino R.*, Lin S.-M.*, Gabrielson P.W., and Zuccarello G.C. 2016. Why one species in New Zealand, Pugetia delicatissima (Kallymeniaceae, Rhodophyta), should become two new genera, Judithia gen. nov. and Wendya gen. nov. European Journal of Phycology 51(1), 83-98.

2.      Lin S.-M.* and M.H. Hommersand 2016. Developmental morphology and phylogeny of Paraglossum amsleri sp. nov. (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta), a species from Antarctica previously known as Delesseria lancifolia. Phycologia. 55: 21-32.

3.      Kitayama T. & S.-M. Lin. 2016. First record of Yoshizakia indopacifica S.-M. Lin, J. Huisman et C. Payri (Liagoraceae, Rhodophyta) from Japan. Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series B 42(3): 1-4.

4.      Kalimuthu, K., C. Panneerselvam, C. Chou, S.-M. Lin, L.-C. Tseng, K.-H. Tsai, K. Murugan and J.-S. Hwang. 2016. Predatory efficiency of the copepod Megacyclops formosanus and toxic effect of the red alga Gracilaria firma synthesized silver nanoparticles against the dengue vector Aedes aegypti. Hydrobiologia 785(1): 359-372.

5.      Joana F. Costa, Showe-Mei Lin, Erasmo C. Macaya, Cindy Fernández-García and Heroen Verbruggen. 2016. Chloroplast genomes as a tool to resolve red algal phylogenies: a case study in the Nemaliales. BMC Evolutionary Biology 16:205.

6.      Conxi Rodríguez-Prieto, Olivier De Clerck, Taiju Kitayama3 and Showe-Mei Lin*. 2016. Systematic revision of the widespread species Sarcodia ceylanica (Sarcodiaceae, Rhodophyta) in the Indo-Pacific Oceans, including S. suiae sp. nov. Phycologia (online first)


1.    Lin, S.-M.*, Rodriguez C., Huisman J., Guiry M., Payri C., Nelson W., Liu S.-L. 2015. A phylogenetic re-appraisal of the Family Liagoraceae sensu lato (Nemaliales, Rhodophyta) based on sequence analyses of the plastid genes. Journal of Phycology 51: 546-559.

2.    Xie, Z.-Y., Lin, S.-M *, Liu L.-C., Ang P. Jr. and Shyu J.-F. 2015. Genetic diversity and taxonomy of foliose Bangiales (Rhodophyta) from Taiwan based on rbcL and cox1 sequences. Botanica Marina 58(3): 189-202.

3.    Liu, S.-L., Lin, S.-M, and Chen P.-C. 2015. Phylogeny, species diversity and biogeographic patterns of the genus Tricleocarpa (Galaxauraceae, Rhodophyta) from the Indo-Pacific region, including T. confertus sp. nov. from Taiwan. European Journal of Phycology. (In press)

4.   Kang, J.C, Yang M.Y., Lin, S.-M and Kim M. S. 2015. Reappraisal of nine species of Martensia (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta) reported from Korea based on morphology and molecular analyses. Botanica Marina 58(3): 151-166.

5.    Tan, P.-L., Lim P.-E.*, Lin, S.-M*, Phang S.-M., Draisma S.G.A, and Liao L.M. 2015. Foliose Halymenia species (Halymeniaceae, Rhodophyta) from Southeast Asia, 1 including a new species, Halymenia malaysiana sp. nov. Botanica Marina 58(3): 203-217.


1.   Lin, S.-M.*, J.M. Huisman & D. Ballantine. 2014. Revising the systematics of Ganonema (Liagoraceae, Rhodophyta) with emphasis on species from the northwest Pacific Ocean. Phycologia 53 (1): 37-51. (SCI)

2.   Kalimuthu, K., Lin S.-M., Tseng L.-C., Murugan K. and Hwang J.-S. 2014. Bio-efficacy potential of seaweed Gracilaria firma with copepod, Megacyclops formosanus for the control larvae of dengue vector Aedes aegypti. Hydrobiologia 741: 113-123. (SCI)


1.   Lin S.-M.*, J.M. Huisman & C. Payri. 2013. Characterization of Liagora ceranoides (Liagoraceae, Rhodophyta) based on rbcL sequence analyses and carposporophyte development, including Yoshizakia indopacifica gen. et sp. nov. from the Indo-Pacific region. Phycologia 52(2): 161-170. (SCI)

2.   Lin S.-M.*, W.-C. Yang, J.M. Huisman, O. De Clerck & W.-J. Lee. 2013. Molecular phylogeny of the pantropical species Martensia fragilis (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta) from the Indo-Pacific regions including three new species of Martensia from Taiwan. European Journal of Phycology 48(2): 173-187. (SCI)

3.   Liu S.-L., Lin S.-M. & Wang W.-L. 2013. Molecular phylogeny of the genus Dichotomaria (Galaxauraceae, Rhodophyta) from the Indo-Pacific region, including the new species D. hommersandii S.-L. Liu & S.-M. Lin from South Africa. European Journal of Phycology 48(2): 212-234. (SCI)

4.   Rodríguez-Prieto, C., Sartoni G., Lin S.-M. & Hommersand M.H. 2013. Comparative morphology and systematics of Chondrymenia lobata from the Mediterranean Sea and a phylogeny of the Chondrymeniaceae fam. nov. (Rhodophyta) based on rbcL sequence analyses. European Journal of Phycology 48(2): 188-199. (SCI)

5.   Nguyen, Tu Van, Nhu Hau Le, Lin S.-M., Steen F. and De Clerck O. 2013. Checklist of the marine macroalgae of Vietnam. Botanica Marina 56: 207-227. (SCI)


1.    Lin S.-M.*, W.A. Nelson & M.H. Hommersand. 2012. Hymenenopsis heterophylla gen. et sp. nov. (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta) from New Zealand, based on a red alga previously known as Hymenena palmata f. marginata sensu Kylin, with emphasis on its cystocarp development. Phycologia 51: 62-73. (SCI)

2.    Lin S.-M.*, R. D’Archino & M.H. Hommersand. 2012. A new method of cystocarp development in the red algal genus Callophyllis (Kallymeniaceae) from Chile. Journal of Phycology 48: 784-972. (SCI)

3.    Lin, S.-M.*, L.-C. Liu & C. Payri. 2012. Characterization of Gracilaria vieillardii and molecular phylogeny of foliose species from the western Pacific Ocean, including a description of G. taiwanensis sp. nov. Phycologia 51(4): 421-431. (SCI)

4.    Lin S.-M.*, M.H. Hommersand & S. Fredericq. 2012. Molecular phylogeny and developmental studies of Apoglossum and Paraglossum (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta) with a description of Apoglosseae trib. nov. European Journal of Phycology 47 (4): 366-383. (SCI)

5.    Kitayama T. & Lin S.-M. 2012. Brown Algae from Chaojing, Keelung City, Taiwan. Mem. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci.,Tokyo (48): 149-157.

6.    Lin S.-M. 2012. Marine Macro-algal Flora of Orchid Island, Taiwan. Kuroshio Science 6(1): 129-144.


1.    Lin S.-M.*, S.-Y. Yang & J. Huisman. 2011. Systematic revision of the genera Liagora and Izziella (Liagoraceae, Rhodophyta) from Taiwan based on molecular analyses and carposporophyte development, with the description of two new species. Journal of Phycology 47: 352-365. (SCI)

2.    Lin S.-M.* & Liang H.-Y. 2011. Grateloupia huangiae (Halymeniaceae, Rhodophyta), a new species from Taiwan previously confused with Polyopes lancifolius, with emphasis on the development of the auxiliary-cell ampullae. Phycologia 50: 232-240. (SCI)

3.   Rodríguez-Prieto, C., S.-M. Lin, W. A. Nelson & M. H. Hommersand. 2011. Developmental morphology of Sarcodia montagneana and S. grandifolia from New Zealand and a phylogeny of Sarcodia (Sarcodiaceae, Rhodophya) based on rbcL sequence analysis. European Journal of Phycology 46: 153-170. (SCI)

4.   Lin S.-M.*, S.-Y. Yang & J. Huisman. 2011. Systematic revision of Liagora (Nemaliales, Rhodophyta) with diffuse gonimoblasts from the northwestern Pacific Ocean, including the description of Neoizziella asiatica gen. et sp. nov. and N. divaricata comb. nov., based on rbcL sequence analysis and carposporophyte development.  European Journal of Phycology 46: 249-262. (SCI)

專書或專利(Books or Patents)

1.    Lin S.-M. 2009. Marine Benthic Macroalgal Flora of Taiwan: Part I Order Gracilariales (Rhodophyta). National Taiwan Ocean University Press, Keelung City, 50 pp.

2.    Lin S.-M. & W.-C. Yang. 2013. Marine Benthic Macroalgal Flora of Taiwan: Part II Red Algal Family Delesseriaceae (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta). Sponsored by National Science Council, Taiwan, 114 pp. (Electronic Version)

3.    M Kamiya, SC Lindstrom, T Nakayama, A Yokoyama, SM Lin, MD Guiry, CFD Gurgel, JM Huisman, T Kitayama, M Suzuki, TO Cho, W Frey (2017) Photoautotrophic eukaryotic Algae-Rhodophyta. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung.

4. 李睿航、李孟峰、鄒旻軒、李承璋、林綉美和林秀美。2021。台灣本島硬葉馬尾藻褐藻醣膠粗萃物於抗癌之研究。化學79(3):209-217頁。

